Explore issues facing the United States, with an emphasis on progressive solutions.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Listening Tours

More and more, I am reading and hearing about how Democrats need to learn to listen to real people, to people who voted for Trump, to people who live in "fly-over" country.  There was recently a retreat for top Democrats in Shepardstown, WV (gorgeous little town - close to Antietam and Harper's Ferry).

There were sessions on how to talk to "real people".  One session was called "Speaking to those who feel invisible in rural America".  It seems astounding to me that politicians need to go back to school to put their listening ears on.  You can read more about this meeting in Burgess Everett's 1/25/17 article in Politico.  http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/democrats-real-people-lessons-234198

Another author wrote about Venezuelans' complete inability to rid themselves of Hugo Chavez.  The worst thing to do is to talk down to the people who voted for Trump.  Lectures don't work.  Speaking to people, on their turf, and listening to what they have to say about why they voted for Trump and what they want for themselves, their family and their community, is what works.

You can find this article, by Andres Miguel Rondon,  in the 1/27/17 Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/01/27/in-venezuela-we-couldnt-stop-chavez-dont-make-the-same-mistakes-we-did/?utm_term.

I am happy that the Democrats seem to be getting the message.  I hope that they take it to heart.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Lincoln and McClellan

Imagine that it is late September of 1862.  You are Abraham Lincoln, and you are fretting about the performance of Major General George B. McClellan.

Earlier in the year, in the spring, McClellan would not act at the battle of Richmond (the Peninsula), until May.  He  overestimated the size of the Confederate Army, and refused to move against Lee's forces until he felt sure that he would win.

The battle at Antietam concluded in mid September.  The Union Army was able to claim victory, barely.  In an act of insubordination, McClellan would not advance agains the Confederacy, until it was almost too late.

Imagine President Lincoln's frustration with his general's stubborn defiance.  In early November of 1862, McClellan was relieved of his post.  He would never lead in battle again.

Is there enough of an effort today by the Democrats to take back the Senate in 2018?  Right now, it doesn't appear that way.    The Democrats ask for your contact information and contributions, all important, but not hitting the mark, by a long shot, at taking back the Senate.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Women's March 2017, Boston

Saturday I attended the Women's March with some of my great friends from the League of Women Voters' of Wellesley.  We were all exhilarated  by the huge crowd, the great speakers, and the energy of people of all colors, genders,  and ages.

I particularly loved the music being tolled by the bells of the Arlington Street Church.  Amazing Grace was memorable.  We were blessed by excellent weather and peaceful enthusiasm.

I am still disappointed by the Democratic National Committee.  The website to take back the Senate, www.dscc.org, has been updated- with a sign-up sheet (for what exactly?), and pictures of Elizabeth Warren speaking at the March.

I would love to see actual proposals for action. We must not let all of the energy from Saturdays' marches - around the world - fade.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Take back the Senate

Instead of watching the Innauguration this morning, I have been doing research on how the Democratic National Committee is planning on taking back the Senate in 2018.

I am a bit relieved that the DNC website has been updated.  It is not dominated by BLUE SQUARES,    which seems to me is a good thing - as blue squares may be about the least dynamic shape and color combination that exists.

There is even a website for Taking back the Senate - you can find it at www.dscc.org.  I did check it out, and was distressed to see the message :  "Stay tuned to learn more about our efforts to take back the Senate."  UGHH!

I started this blog last Thursday because the Senate "voted 51 to 48 to approve a budget resolution instructing House and Senate Committees to begin work on legislation to repeal major portions of the Affordable Care Act."  (Washington Post, 1/12/17)

It finally occurred to me what I could do after the election (I keep telling my daughters "there is a path; I just don't know what it is yet.")  I could work to help take back the Senate.

Not yet, though.  Evidently, I just have to "stay tuned".

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The good old day, aka October, 2016

Remember when we thought that Russian hacking of the DNC was a big joke?  I do.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Democratic National Committee

I finally came up with something to do - make sure that Democrats re-take the Senate in 2018.  What did I do?  Contact the DNC, of course.

First experience on Friday - the DNC had not updated the website since before the election.  I sent them an e-mail, and called.  I did get a response, and they appeared to have updated the website.

Today, I sent an e-mail, asking what was the DNC going to do about gaining Senate seats in 2018 from Rust belt states.  Listening tours?  Outreach?

I got an e-mail back, stating that I should contact my friends on Facebook and tell them that "we have to stop Trump".  How is that going to help get Heidi Heitkamp re-elected in North Dakota!!!

I am very frustrated.  If enough people contact the DNC, maybe they will actually do something to help take back the Senate in the next election.

I will continue to post to this blog.  If you read it, I promise to do some hilarious cartoons (not intentionally hilarious, of course.)