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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Listening Tours

More and more, I am reading and hearing about how Democrats need to learn to listen to real people, to people who voted for Trump, to people who live in "fly-over" country.  There was recently a retreat for top Democrats in Shepardstown, WV (gorgeous little town - close to Antietam and Harper's Ferry).

There were sessions on how to talk to "real people".  One session was called "Speaking to those who feel invisible in rural America".  It seems astounding to me that politicians need to go back to school to put their listening ears on.  You can read more about this meeting in Burgess Everett's 1/25/17 article in Politico.  http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/democrats-real-people-lessons-234198

Another author wrote about Venezuelans' complete inability to rid themselves of Hugo Chavez.  The worst thing to do is to talk down to the people who voted for Trump.  Lectures don't work.  Speaking to people, on their turf, and listening to what they have to say about why they voted for Trump and what they want for themselves, their family and their community, is what works.

You can find this article, by Andres Miguel Rondon,  in the 1/27/17 Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/01/27/in-venezuela-we-couldnt-stop-chavez-dont-make-the-same-mistakes-we-did/?utm_term.

I am happy that the Democrats seem to be getting the message.  I hope that they take it to heart.

1 comment:

  1. Rocky Mountain PBS had a show about Coloradans who voted for Trump. They covered the spectrum. It's good to hear the different perspectives. I don't want to say different sides, because that sounds like black and white. --Sue
